Traditional - 5th Grade
This course uses MeiZhou Chinese Level 5 (Traditional Characters) as a textbook. Students will learn to read and write 160 new words, 281 frequently used phrases, commonly used set phrases in everyday life, such as a post-it note for others, how to read a Chinese menu, completing forms, etc. The students will be able to have a mock experience of going to a grocery store and read food packaging and expiration dates.
以美洲華語第五冊課本為主要敎材。課程內容涵蓋了人文、歷史、寓言、民俗節日及成語故事等。本冊共有160 個生字及281個常用詞語,並且透過寫便條紙、禮券使用說明、認識菜單、填寫報名表、課表及學生資料表等, 讓學生的學習與日常生活更加貼切。此外, 引用食物金字塔讓學生了解飲食均衡的重要性, 讓學生認識超級市場的各個不同販賣部及懂得說出食物包裝紙上的有效期限。